More adults than ever have braces or invisalign
Invisalign: How to straighten teeth without braces
Straightening teeth without braces is one of the most common goals for prospective orthodontic patients. Important motivating factors for this are the impact on lifestyle that braces can cause, and the visual appearance of braces. It’s likely that a key factor in the increasing demand for teeth straightening without braces is the amount of adults now seeking orthodontic treatment.
Managing braces and lifestyle
More adults than ever are pursuing treatment for the first time, or are seeking to realign shifting that has occurred since they last received orthodontic treatment – either as a child or earlier in their adult life. Regardless of the patient’s age, braces always require some time to get adjusted, but for adults braces can present a unique challenge. The visual appearance of braces can be an issue for adults with careers which require them to maintain a particular appearance and image, and the restrictions on certain foods and other lifestyle habits can be too restrictive. Kids and teenagers can experience similar lifestyle restrictions or functional concerns if they’re involved in sports, or other projects which make wearing braces impractical.